Philippine Native Trees: Raw Materials of Century Old Wood Structures, Ecclesiastical Museum Collection and Immovable Woodcrafts in Several Churches in Bohol Provinces



报告嘉宾:Jennifer M. Conda
嘉宾简介:菲律宾科技部森林产品研究开发所 高级科研专家


Philippines is known for various culture and traditions, customs and beliefs and prehistorical places. Of these are the old churches in Bohol Province. The six churches namely: Immaculate Conception Parish (Baclayon), Saint Anthony the Abbot Parish (Carmen), Our Lady of Assumption Parish (Dauis), St. Paul the Apostle (Inabanga), Holy Trinity Parish (Loay) and San Isidore the Farmer Parish (Tubigon) housed a total of 538 wooden structures, ecclesiastical museum collection and other immovable crafts. To preserve these treasures the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) together with Forest Products Research and Development Institute identified the wood species composition of all the items for a restoration and renovation project. The items identified were made from 23 tree species under 19 genera and 14 families. Eighteen of these were native to the Philippines while 5 were introduced/plantation species. The native species were molave (Vitex parviflora A. Juss.), almon (Shorea almon Foxw.), mayapis (Shorea palosapis Merr.), batikuling group (Litsea sp.), tindalo (Afzelia rhomboidei (Blanco) S. Vidal), kamagong group (Diospyros sp.), lauan group (Shorea sp.), apitong group(Dipterocarpus sp.), apitong (Dipterocarpus sp.), yakal group (Shorea sp.), narra (Pterocarpus indicus Willd., ipil (Instia bijuga (Colebr.) O. Kuntze), nato group (Palaquim sp.), malugai (Pometia pinnata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst), kamatog (Sympetalandra densiflora (Elmer) Steenis, malasaging group (Aglaia sp.), dungao/sambaluan group (Astronia sp.), makaasim group (Syzygium sp.), bagalunga (Melia azedarach L.). Based on the assessment, they are being used by the ancestors primarily because they are pioneer species, abundantly growing in Bohol province and known to have hard to moderately hard wood.The previous restoration of the churches explained the presence of introduced/plantation wood species in some of the items identified.
