Teaching “Wood Culture” at the university of New Brunswick



报告嘉宾:Elena Vladimirova

This piece of work introduces the “Wood Culture” course offered for the undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. Interdisciplinary programs in Forestry help students understand the forest through many theoretical and practical courses. These courses cover forest and wildlife ecology, soil chemistry, forest economics sociology & statistics, hydrology, management and others. Participating in indoor classrooms and outdoor laboratories students learn different aspects of tree growth and development. The course that teaches students about the anatomical structure, properties, and products is called “Wood Technology”. The students usually take in the fourth year of their studies. This course contains a couple lectures about engineered wood products that are made from lumber, veneer, strands, and fibres. In the process of learning, students study the forest and wood in depth, however, they lack a broader vision of the various aspects of the use of wood. So, it was decided to add materials 73 about the culture of wood utilization to the course syllabus. Thereby, students get acquainted with the concept of “Wood culture” and learn about the various uses of wood in history and nowadays. Materials used in the lectures include the following topics: Lore, Legend and Belief about trees, Wood as a Renewable resource, Architecture in Wood, Sacred Buildings, Living with Wood, Wood in Transport, Rural Craft and Industry, Artistry in Wood, Wood in Action, and others. In addition, a separate directed study course "Wood Culture" is offered for Master’s students, resulting in a positive learning process. It is expected that the knowledge gained from Wood Culture will open a window for students to master understanding of wood, educate them a love of using wood, and help them become successful in their careers.
